
First let me give a shout out to the Akron Canton airport- I love that place! Everyone is so friendly and helpful. Our flight to Atlanta was just fine despite what we originally thought, given the extra peppy flight attendant with the super high -pitched squeaky voice. Turns out we unfairly judged her in the beginning (we’re working on this). She was actually quite nice. Thank you for the extra peanuts Ashley, and props to Delta for still serving free snacks! Jessica, sporting her new straw cowboy hat (which is very practical and useful, and not at all funny) was my seat partner with Susan across the aisle. We sailed south like flying pros psyched to be one step closer to Athens and laughing over the comment made by Susan’s seat mate who told us to “watch out for the crazy cow girl.” We were on our way, jazzed, pumped, excited….. nothing could stop us now. Bring on the Greek salads and that island breeze! Woo hoo!……..What? What do you mean the flight’s been delayed? You mean we may not fly out today?? Talk about stealing our joy. Apparently there was an airport strike in Greece the same day we were suppose to fly there…what are the chances? Ok, so given the recent unrest in the country, I’d say the chances were “strong to quite strong”, but I really never thought it would affect the trip ….major bummer. I guess that bump to first class is also a no go huh? So if anyone is keeping track, that’s Hawaii 1 Greece 0.

The five-hour layover in Atlanta wasn’t really that bad. I talked to a lady from Cleveland who was originally from Greece and basically told us that our itinerary was great and that we were going to love her country …it was a definite upper. I also managed to walk almost the entire Atlanta airport mainly out of boredom, and also for the challenge-Yes, I still do things just to say I did them- did you not read the blog title? Finally it was boarding time. I was re -energized and so happy to be on the plane.

Four hours later…..
Somebody kill me, I want to die. This is the longest flight of my life. How is it possible that you are sleeping? It can’t just be that stupid neck pillow….How can you sleep sitting up? …..My legs are sooooo jumpy. I know, maybe I’ll just try to lay my head forward on this teeny tiny tray table…..Do you think I can fit on the floor here? Three movies later pretty sure I’m the only one awake on this entire plane.

Ok, so the flight wasn’t the best, but that was quickly forgotten because we were in Athens! Yea! Now about that metro- closed too huh? Why is everyone messing with my plans, and also my good mood??!! I guess I’ll just stand in the longest line in the history of lines to wait for this taxi that will probably over charge me. Ugh.

I can read all of your minds now- “She has quite the nerve, to complain when she is clearly so lucky to be able to travel for five weeks in such an amazing country. She should be ashamed of herself.” I hear ya loud and clear, and believe me, I am trying to keep the complaining to a minimum, and I do realize the awesome opportunity I’ve been given, but seriously, you have to admit, that things weren’t going the best, and I haven’t even told you about the attempted purse snatch yet. In fact, let’s save that for later- I’m bumming myself out just reliving all of this J. (How dramatic am I?)

Now nobody panic, the day wasn’t a total bust. We ended up with a very nice taxi driver who I accidentally over tipped (Euros and dollars are not the same Lantz), and who kindly offered to help us out in the city if needed- (his offer all thanks to my extra large tip I’m sure). Our hotel Centrotel , despite being in a bit of a dodgy area, was so nice. The bathtub had jets, we each got a super swanky bathrobe, and the ceiling even had star lights! We went on a nice early evening stroll through the city to get a view of the Acropolis and to check out our surroundings. We returned to the hotel, promptly looked up the differences between the Acropolis and the Parthenon (You weren’t sure either-oh good that makes me feel better), and had a balcony dinner of delicious salad and peaches.

All in all I’d give the day about a 6, but never fear, we’ve had some really terrific days since this first day of fiascos, and all have been rated much higher.

Incase you’re not sure who is actually on this trip, I’ve posted pictures. These pictures are from our day at the Acropolis, and actually show us inside part of the Acropolis- or at least that’s what we keep telling ourselves. It was pretty funny watching the reaction of some of the nearby tourists as we probably broke some rules by scaling up and into the small little opening.

The first picture is Susan (Jessica and I plan on turning her into a complete adventureist before this trip is over.
Next is Jessica a traveling veteran and co writer of this blog.
And then there’s me, Sarah (incase you weren’t sure who was writing this post J)

Whew, Ok, all the info you could possibly hope to know about our trip across the Atlantic and our first day in a little country called Greece. As a special bonus for anyone who actually read to the end of this ridiculously long winded post, I will grant you the greatest honor of titling this blog entry- aren’t you lucky? Send your suggestions. Best title wins. J
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Is there a cash prize for best title? I'm very much in debt to my roommate and could use the money.

  2. "Susan has long legs" should be the blog title. Adam and I really want to know the almost purse snatching story. You know what will prevent that in the future, fanny packs!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Okay...I can't think of a really clever title; but since you did mention that you think this is a "ridiculously long winded post", you could call it "blah blah blahgging on..." (I know...NOT funny...)You guys are all so cute, but I must agree with Carrie. Fanny packs are the way to go--always have been! Love you so!! Mom Pacula

  4. blahboblah Says:

    I'm not sure I would recommend a fanny pack. But I do recommend listening to your mother, which may take precedence over matters of style.

    As for toting my belongings, I can recommend the Marmot Walkabout. I consider it to be a daypack; others may jokingly call it a man purse. But I'm pretty sure they're just joking. Right?

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