A word from my hawaiian cousins

Just thought I'd give my roomies a chance to speak their minds on the blog...plus I wanted to add more picks of the Napali Coast.

Jessica- "my roommates asked me to go on a morning hike. A million miles later...(chuckle chuckle) I threw Jay Oldaker from the cliff."

Leisyl- "meanwhile, back at the house....."

Jay- "I really thought we were screwed when we got lost that's how people die" (oh, i did leave that part out of the previous blog)

Leisyl- "Meanwhile, back at the house...."

Jessica-" I do all things slowly, and that includes coming up with these dumb quotes that Sarah is making us do."

Wendy- " The waterfall made the long hike completely worth it. I forgot how tired and thirsty I was, and then we started hiking back..."

Leisyl- "meanwhile, back at the house..."

Jay- "This is my second hike in the last 4 years, and the first one was 2 days ago"

Wendy- "It was the never-ending leg workout"

Jessica- "The hike was really hard. It was pretty much uphill both ways. What helped me make it through such a difficult time was Sarah singing Jock Jams and Disney Classics"

Jay- as he looks up from his lap top, " Hey guys I have a great quick hike for tomorrow we could do....I love this stuff! "

Wendy- "We said a whole lot of funny stuff yesterday...too bad we can't remember any of it"
2 Responses
  1. Joshua Says:

    I liked Jays about this being the second hike in four years. HA! I am so jealous of you all.

  2. Heather Says:

    i like the jock jams and disney classics b/c i can totally picture sarah singing them trying to rev everybody up.

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