Napali Riders

On Tuesday the four of us got up at 4 am to drive out to Wimea and take our rafting cruise. I must admit when my alarm went off, I wasn’t so pumped to be going on the excursion, but when we loaded the zodiac raft named Sea Biscuit with our two guides Chris and Dan, and about 15 other people, and took off skipping through the water, I was holding on for dear life, hooting and hollering, and loving every minute. During the cruise, we saw the entire breathtaking Naplai Coast line, and got some great historical facts to go along with the scenery. We traveled into sea caves, and were able to see some of the sights that even National Geographic claims to be the most beautiful in the world. We also snorkeled in the crystal clear “windex blue” water, which was fun, but my favorite part was seeing the dolphins. I was skeptical at first when we had been traveling for a while without a single sign of sea life, but then we came upon them. Not just 3 or 4 but close to 30 spinner dolphins, swimming all around us, right beside the boat! They were everywhere, jumping out of the water… fantastic! It was definitely a highlight.
We all liked the excursion so much that we chipped in and bought the picture CD from our actual trip complete with videos- (I’ll attempt to post one)- funny how we all said we would never pay for pictures we could take ourselves…but then all decided it was worth it- I guess that says a lot about how much we all liked the trip….Way to Go Napali Rider Tours!
2 Responses
  1. Heather Says:

    i can see you hooting and hollering for sure. i would be puking over the side.

  2. Erin A Says:

    I am so glad that you guys got to go on the napali coast toar!! Wasn't it like white water rafting on the ocean? And all the dolphins! Now I am jealous but also very happy for you.

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